Making Mojo
Mojo for me is the magical feeling I get when my creativity comes rushing out. It’s when I gather inspiration and ideas everywhere. When my mind won’t shut off and my heart flutters. Engaging my Mojo takes work. I make a lot of ugly stuff in my studio and some days the ideas don’t flow. Some days my Mojo is in overdrive. Different things spark my Mojo: colour, sounds, smell. As a photographer, light can turn it on in an instant. I was doing morning yoga in my living room last week when I peaked outside at my garden.
“The sun had spilled into my ferns and it stopped me in my warrior pose and because I was the only one in my yoga class I decided to just follow the light.”
I grabbed my Big Girl Camera (Nikon D600) and my iPhone. I slipped on my flip flops and hurried over to my bed of ferns and tried to capture the beauty of a morning light before it disappeared.
A funny thing happened sitting on the mulch watching my ferns. My heart started skipping. I had a rush of ideas. Later that day when I started to edit my photos I started making a list of things I could do with a fern motif. First on the list was mono printing with my gel plate. The next day, I went out a pulled a few fern branches and grabbed my gel plate. I spent several glorious hours on a rainy day just pulling mono prints of ferns. Here is where my garden mojo took me.
You can download these prints for free and use them on your mixed media and scrapbook pages. Print them on regular copy paper or calligraphy paper for a rice paper look.
Please note: Private/ personal use only. Not for commercial use. Please credit Kerry Engel, Engelbelle if posting.
Share what you did with my print and tag me @engelbelle on Instagram and Facebook
How to print on tissue-like paper on your ink-jet printer.
I like to print on Calligraphy paper (it’s a study tissue-like paper). My printer won’t take the paper on it’s own so I attach a piece of Calligraphy paper to card stock with wash tape and run the two pieces through my printer. Attaching the calligraphy paper to the card stock tricks my printer into printing. I can then remove the lighter weight paper and it’s perfect for collaging!
On the Engelbelle Pinterest page there is a board full of fern inspiration.
I also made a list of other fern related ideas after my photo shoot, I’ll update you soon with my next idea…. Hope you can find some mojo this week!
Products used:
12x14 inch Gel plate
Ranger Inc., Dina Wakely Media Acrylic Paint
Calligraphy paper - I got mine mine at OOMOMO in Alberta, Canada.
Epson Printer WF-7620